Peace. Love. Midwifery.

My name is Rena. I have had a passion for learning and becoming a midwife for some time now, but life and financial constraint always held me back. The day I found Ibirthtoday. I was so excited. Not only can I learn midwifery, but...

My start with Ibirthtoday

My name is Rena. I have had a passion for learning and becoming a midwife for some time now, but life and financial constraint always held me back. The day I found Ibirthtoday. I was so excited. Not only can I learn midwifery, but...

Photo: Cynthia Goldsmith. Electron micrograph of Zika virus. Virus particles are 40 nm in diameter, with an outer envelope and a dense inner core. Zika is a fast-spreading infection with somewhere over a million people infected in Brazil this last couple of years. But it...

ZIka and microcephaly

Photo: Cynthia Goldsmith. Electron micrograph of Zika virus. Virus particles are 40 nm in diameter, with an outer envelope and a dense inner core. Zika is a fast-spreading infection with somewhere over a million people infected in Brazil this last couple of years. But it...

Is a hat that utmost essential item which must be applied to every new-born head? No. See above! Skin to skin contact means mom and baby in skin-to-skin contact. Without physical barriers between them. The hat seems almost an obsession in some regions. I've...

Routine: the hat!

Is a hat that utmost essential item which must be applied to every new-born head? No. See above! Skin to skin contact means mom and baby in skin-to-skin contact. Without physical barriers between them. The hat seems almost an obsession in some regions. I've...

Several studies have shown that iron supplements may increase the risk of pre-eclampsia. Researchers at the University of Surrey found that “Serum iron concentration, ferritin, and percent saturation of transferrin were significantly higher in the preeclamptic patients than in control subjects” and “Released iron...

Iron supplements may increase the risk of pre-eclampsia and prematurity.

Several studies have shown that iron supplements may increase the risk of pre-eclampsia. Researchers at the University of Surrey found that “Serum iron concentration, ferritin, and percent saturation of transferrin were significantly higher in the preeclamptic patients than in control subjects” and “Released iron...

Reassurance and reduction of anxiety are some of the most important parts of prenatal care — in fact, since problems are rare then most of our focus should be on reassurance, education, and family aids. Remember our wider goal is to help the baby...

Find out what’s wrong, but also find out what’s right!

Reassurance and reduction of anxiety are some of the most important parts of prenatal care — in fact, since problems are rare then most of our focus should be on reassurance, education, and family aids. Remember our wider goal is to help the baby...

The just-born baby should be handled gently to help him better adapt to extra-uterine life. Rough handling and quick movements can “shock” babies and may cause them to cry before their lungs have cleared of fluid. Stimulation to cry before physiological lung expansion may...

“Tactile stimulation” or love and gentleness?

The just-born baby should be handled gently to help him better adapt to extra-uterine life. Rough handling and quick movements can “shock” babies and may cause them to cry before their lungs have cleared of fluid. Stimulation to cry before physiological lung expansion may...