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The class was recorded on International Domashny Rebenok Conference (with Midwifery Today support). Russia, Saint Petersburg. May 11–15, 2016

SoundBirth: a method developed by Hilkka-Liisa Vuori.

  • Your own voice can help you relax in childbirth!
  • Women naturally make sounds during labour, but these sounds are many times uncontrolled.
  • You can learn to use relaxing sounds consciously and deliberately to ease pain during contractions.
  • Making conscious sounds relaxes the body, soothes the mind and induces deeper breathing.

Singing is also good for babies. Songs do not have to be complicated; they can be humming and tender words. The important thing is the feeling that a singing mother and father convey to a baby.

The courses in SoundBirth:
In addition to mothers and fathers the courses are suitable for midwives, clinic and hospital employees and other healthcare professionals as well as students. And for anybody who is interested in the relaxing aspects of human voice.

The teacher and doctor of musicology, Hilkka-Liisa Vuori has taught childbirth singing In Finland since 1998, for example in the natural childbirth ward at the Helsinki Maternity Hospital and in the school of midwifes.
You do not need to know “how to sing”. Your own voice is perfectly enough!




  1. Introduction (audio)

  2. Pregnancy and baby care

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