Midwifery Essentials. Part three (3/4)

Midwifery Essentials. Part three (3/4)

Midwifery Essentials. Part three (3/4)

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  1. Second Trimester (after 20 weeks)-

    1. Group B strep issues

    2. Placental anomalies-

  2. Pregnancy in special circumstances-

    1. Risk of VBAC: individualized assessment-

  3. Module 2: birth and postpartum-

    1. Childbirth education methods-

    2. Labour and Birth-

      1. Late pregnancy and process of labour-

      2. Walking though the stages of dilation-

      3. Telling dilation without internal exam-

      4. Processes of engagement, flexion, rotation descent-

      5. Comfort measures and tools-

      6. Midwife or doula role-

      7. Fetal monitoring during labor-

      8. Stages of labor-

      9. Birth-

      10. The first hours of life. Newborn adaptation. Apgar.-

      11. Separation of the placenta-

      12. Emergency Childbirth (when birth attendant is not arriving)-

Comment ( 1 )

  • Lyzbeth

    Ahhh… scrubs. I understand the practicality, but hate the look. So often it’s sloppy. BUT, the newer fitted, tailored styles are a HUGE improvement. In the office, I understand the scrubs, but a lab coat in public? It’s a useful, functional garment. IN A LAB. or even in a pharmacy. But what could you be doing in public that would require the use of a protection layer? And one traditionally worn by practitioners with upwards of 4-8 years of graduate education in a health care field? I think it can be misleading. And unsicesnary.Public=Buseness Casual.

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